neděle 20. září 2015


Hello readers,

welcome on my blog. My name is... but who cares. Just call me Ms. Secret.

I would like to introduce you to what I am going to write about.

Honestly, I exactly don´t know. Maybe you will like it and maybe not. I think, I will write about my feelings, stories and stuff like that...

This year 2015 I am going to do a state exam in typing on the computer. It would be around December, I guess. Next year 2016 I am going to do a school-leaving exam. And then if I pass it, I´ll enroll in a university. Me and my friend are thinking about some university abroad (London, Birmingham,..), because in the Czech republic (yeah, I´m from CZ), there aren´t so much universities, which are abroad. But there is one in which we are interested in - Charles University in Prague. In the future I would like to work as a translator. In my opinion, I think it has a future.
(BTW: My friend would like to become a journalist.)

But everything has a time. And the time has really big power. Firstly we´ll have our prom in December and then everything will start. Everything important. I am so nervous about it. But I hope I will pass it and everything will be great.

I am scared but determined.

Thank you if you read this. I hope you will like my blog and you will be satisfied with it.

Love you all

Study hard and be successfull. (WeHeartit)

London is probably waiting for me. (WeHeartit)

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